Grasmere 26

11th - 15th May 2025

Provisional Programme
(exact timings may change slightly)
Sunday 11th May
14.00-17.45 Delegate Registration (Inn Hotel Foyer)
17.45 Dinner at the Inn Hotel
19.45-21.15 Scientific Session, Village Hall (including Charles Rees Award Lecture)
21.15 Wine and Beer Mixer (The Inn Hotel)
Monday 12th May
08.00 onwards Breakfast in your hotel (The Inn Hotel or Bridge House)
09.00-10.45 Scientific Session, Village Hall
10.45-11.15 Tea /Coffee, Village Hall
11.15-12.45 Scientific Session, Village Hall
13.00 Buffet Lunch at the Inn Hotel
afternoon free A gentle walk will be arranged
17.45 Dinner at the Inn Hotel
19.30-21.30 Poster Session, Village Hall
21.30 Katritzky Bequest Drinks Reception (The Inn Hotel)
Tuesday 13th May
08.00 onwards Breakfast in your hotel (The Inn Hotel or Bridge House)
09.00-10.45 Scientific Session, Village Hall
10.45-11.15 Tea /Coffee, Village Hall
11.15-12.45 Scientific Session, Village Hall
13.00 Buffet Lunch at the Inn Hotel
afternoon free A moderate walk will be arranged
17.45 Dinner in your hotel
19.45-21.15 Scientific Session, Village Hall
Wednesday 14th May
08.00 onwards Breakfast in your hotel (The Inn Hotel or Bridge House)
09.00-10.45 Scientific Session, Village Hall
10.45-11.15 Tea /Coffee, Village Hall
11.15-12.45 Scientific Session, Village Hall
13.00 Buffet Lunch at the Inn Hotel
afternoon free: A difficult walk will be arranged
19.30 Conference Banquet (venue TBC, no dinner available in your hotel)
Thursday 15th May
08.00 onwards Breakfast in your hotel (The Inn Hotel or Bridge House)
09.00-10.15 Scientific Session, Village Hall
10.15-10.45 Tea /Coffee, Village Hall
10.45-12.30 Scientific Session, Village Hall
12:30 Buffet Lunch at the Inn Hotel